Curriculum Showcase

We would like to invite parents and carers into school on Friday 24th May for our Summer Term Curriculum Showcase. It is an opportunity for parents to come into the classrooms and for the children to share their learning from this half term's GLF Curriculum with their families.

We aim for the showcase to be an informal session where parents can drop-in between 3.00pm and 3.30pm. This will enable parents of children in different classes to get round to see all of their children's learning. Parents wishing to take their children home before 3.15pm are able to do so by signing their child out with the class teacher.

The gates will open at 3.00pm and parents are able to enter classrooms via the external doors that their children normally leave the classroom by.

For those parents who are unable to attend, you will not miss out. We will be sharing the children's achievements on the school website, so all can enjoy!