Year 3 Trip to Ufton Court

We have arranged an exciting trip to Ufton Court on Friday 28th March 2025 for Merlin class.

The children will gain first hand experiences of life and culture during Tudor times.  They will learn about:

We will be travelling by coach (equipped with three-point seatbelts), which will leave the school at 9:15am and will return to school at approximately 3pm. 

Dress:            We request your child wears full school uniform and trainers for the visit.

Lunch:           Our catering provider, Chartwells, can provide a school packed lunch on the day or children can bring their own packed lunch from home.  If you are providing a packed lunch from home for your child, please remember no nut-based products, chocolate spread, cans, glass bottles or fizzy drinks. 

Water:            Every child should bring a named bottle of water.

We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £31.60 per child to cover the cost, which you can pay via SchoolMoney . This can be paid by two instalments of £15.80. The first instalment should be paid by Friday 31st January and the second by Friday 28th February.  You will receive a message inviting you to access SchoolMoney’s website to make the payment.  Please contact the office if you have any difficulties accessing this system. 

This contribution is voluntary, and neither you nor your child will be treated differently if you are unable or choose not to contribute.  However, please note that without voluntary contributions, this visit may have to be cancelled, as the school is unfortunately unable to fund the trip from existing budgets. 

An electronic permission form for the trip must be completed by Friday 31st January, giving consent for your child to participate in the activity.  The form also asks you to confirm your child’s lunch option for the day.  To complete the form please assess the ‘form’ section on your ParentMail app. 

This will be an exciting and educational trip which will give children a memorable Tudor learning experience.