FAQs from parents
The School Day
The official school day starts with morning registration at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm. This includes breaks but not optional before or after school activities. The total time this amounts to in a typical week is 32.5 hours.
The gates to school open at 8:35am and by 8.45am all children should be in their classroom. Class teachers will then take the register, children will be asked for your lunch choice, either school lunch or home packed lunch.
Once lunchtime has ended at 1:00pm, class teachers will take the register once more.
End of the school day and teachers will dismiss all children into the care of their parent/carers. Children with permission to walk home alone will also be dismissed. Children attending after school clubs will be collected by club coaches.
Our information booklet is a must read for every new parent
The booklet holds a plethora of information including school day timings, uniform expectations, methods of communication, how to report absences, and much, much more.
What happens if my child loses something?
We now have a lost property trunk outside the main entrance to the office.
- Labelled clothing and items are always returned to children.
- Staff try to reunite unlabelled clothing and items with children, if these items still go unclaimed they will go in the lost property trunk.
You are welcome to check the trunk for any items your child/ren may have lost.
How do children celebrate birthdays in school?
We celebrate birthdays in school in the following ways:
- Birthday celebrations are shared in assembly
- Children wear their own clothes on their birthday. If your child's birthday falls on the weekend, or during the holidays, then children can wear their own clothes on the next school day
- If families would like to share something with the class, we would love it if children brought in a book to gift to the class. This is, of course, completely optional and only a suggestion.
Some members of our community do not celebrate birthdays and we respect this. If your child does not celebrate their birthday and does not participate in birthday celebrations, please inform their class teacher, who will mange their participation and customs with respect and sensitivity.
Can children bring mobile phones to school?
In order to safeguard all of the children, we DO NOT allow children to have access to mobile phones or smart devices in school. We recognise that some families would like their children to have access to a phone on their way to and from school. Therefore, we allow phones to be brought to school, subject to parents completing a permission form which will need to be sanctioned by a member of the leadership team before permission is granted. Once permission is granted, phones should be handed into the school office in the morning and collected at the end of the school day. The phones will be safely stored in the school office, but we accept no liability for loss or damage.
If phones are discovered in school without the relevant permissions in place they will be stored in the school office and parents will be informed and asked to come and collect them.
Paper copies of the permission form are available from the school office.