Home Learning
Our Home Learning mission statement:
Learning is an enriching experience. A love of learning is desirable in all people and through Home Learning it is hoped that children will see that learning can happen anywhere and at any time, and is not restricted to school hours or the school building and that this attitude will prepare them for all learning in later life.
Benefits of Home Learning
- Helps develop children's independence
- Develops research and study skills
- Involves families in the home/ school partnership
- Helps children organise their time
- Supports learning in school
We recognise that each family has a unique set of circumstances and Home Learning can be a challenge. We want our Home Learning to be used as a 'menu' of activities that children can complete at home with their families. We reward children that complete tasks and encourage participation in Home Learning.
How does Home Learning work at Windmill?
At Windmill Home Learning is set on Class DoJo by each child’s class teacher. Learning is set on a Friday and children are encouraged to complete by the following Friday. This is the same across the school to avoid any confusion. This Friday to Friday approach fits with weekly spelling tests.
We have chosen Class DoJo as families are able to translate messages into their chosen language and this enables an additional method of communication for our families with English as an Additional Language.
Spelling lists and activities are posted by class teachers onto Class DoJo. There is no expectation to print resources. Children can complete tasks at home on paper, photgraph their learning and post it on DoJo for their parents to see. If families do require paper copies of learning, this can be requested through the class teacher.
For more information on how to use Class DoJo please click the link below:
Reccommendations for Home Learning
These recommendations may be more achievable for some families and children, than others and we recognise this as a school.
- Read to your child each day
- Read daily
- Practise phonics sounds
- Numbots 3 times a week
- Reading daily
- 1 English task each week
- 1 Maths task each week
- Weekly spelling practise
- Timetable Rockstars 3 times a week
- Reading daily
- 1 English task each week
- 1 Maths task each week
- Weekly spelling practise