GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Trips and Visits

At Windmill we have designed a programme of 'Curriculum Entitlements'. These entitlements are  a combination of trips, visits, guests and experiences that help bring learning to life. 

The majority of the trips that children experience throughout their journey from Nursery to Year 6 are linked with their curriculum learning. These will broadly stay the same year on year, so that by the time a child leaves Windmill Primary school, they will have been afforded many cultural capital enhancing experiences.

School trips provide pupils with immersive learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom environment. Similarly, inviting guest speakers or experts into the school exposes pupils to diverse perspectives and real-world insights, enriching their learning experiences and broadening their horizons. 

We aim for each child to experience at least 6 experiences each academic year, with one of those being a trip out of school and two of those being workshops within school. Where external trips are planned, the process is overseen by our Educational Visits Coordinator, Mrs Bond who has undertaken the relevant Surrey County Council training. 

Costs are kept to a minimum, with no trips intended to make a profit. Consideration for the current economic climate is always taken into account, with those in receipt of certain benefits able to apply for a subsidy to ensure that all children have the opportunity to attend. 

Our drive to develop children’s swimming capabilities remains strong. In Year 5, children have the opportunity to benefit from  swimming lessons in order to ensure that by the time they leave Year 6, they are water confident and most are able to swim 25 metres unaided. Our Year 5 pupils walk to the local swimming pool at St Paul's Junior School, this enables pupils to access swimming lessons without travel restrictions.

Voluntary Contributions 

We ask families to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of entitlements. This contribution is voluntary, and neither you nor your child will be treated differently if you are unable or choose not to contribute. However, please note that without voluntary contributions, entitlements may have to be cancelled due to pressures on school budgets. 

Voluntary Contributions for Children in Receipt of Pupil Premium Funding

The Pupil Premium grant is used to support the educational outcomes of pupils. We believe that by offering a range of schools trips and visits we provide the children with valuable real-world learning experiences, fostering social skills, cultural awareness, and a broader perspective on life. Financial contributions from parents can help ensure that the school can continue to offer enriching and diverse educational opportunities for all our pupils.

We ask that families, with children in receipt of pupil premium funding, voluntarily contribute 30% towards the cost of curriculum entitlements, with the school funding 70%, only if they are able to do so. We hope that this is both affordable for families and enables all of our pupils to access trips and visits.